
Schedule of Fees

LAMS has reduced the fees for S.Y. 2020-2021 due to COVID-19 Pandemic.

For inquiries regarding the modified Miscellaneous Fee, Tuition Fee and Flexible Payment Terms, you may call us at the following numbers:

    (Pre-Elem, Elem and JHS)
    Ms. Bheng Caluag
    (044) 769-8943
    Mobile: 0933-150-3639
    – thru FB messenger Bheng Caluag (@ourLAMS) 
    (Senior High School)
    Ms. Marizelle Claire Estinos
    (044) 769-0420
    Mobile: 0905-381-5898
    -thru FB messenger LAMS Senior High School (@ourLAMS)
    Mr. Orlan C. Bartolome 
    (044) 797-6988; 
    Mobile: 0932-589-4540
    – thru FB messenger Orlan C. Bartolome (@ourLAMS) 

Withdrawal and Refund Policies

  1. “When a pupil registers in a school, it is understood that he is enrolling for the entire school year for pre-elementary, elementary and highschool courses”. (Art. XIII Sec. 62.a of the Manual of Regulations for Private Schools)
  2. “A pupil who transfers or otherwise withdraws, in writing, within two weeks after the beginning of classes and who has already paid the pertinent tuition and other school fees in full or for any length of time longer than one month will be charged according to the policies on the refund of tuition and other school fees.” (Art. XIII Sec. 66 of the Manual of Regulations for Private Schools)
    1. Ten percent (10%) of the total amount for the term (that is full amount charged for one school year) if he withdraws within the first week of classes regardless of whether or not he has actually attended classes.
    2. Twenty percent (20%) of the total amount for the term if he withdraws within the second week of classes regardless of whether or not he has actually attended classes.
    3. A pupil may be charged all the school fees in full if he withdraws any time after the second week of classes regardless of whether or not he has actually attended classes.
    4. Where tuition and other school fees are paid for the first month in a monthly installment scheme, no refund shall be given to the pupil when he withdraws any time after the registration period.
    5. Miscellaneous and other school fees are non-refundable.
  3. In case the parent wants to withdraw before the start of classes, and you have already paid pertinent fees, please take note that the following fees are non-refundable, registration and miscellaneous fees and other fees such as but not limited to (i.e. book fee, computer fee, snack fee, research and development fee).
  4. The matriculation fees above have been adjusted according to the new modality of learning (flexible e-learning) during COVID-19 pandemic. In the event that the government gives educational institutions the clearance to allow students to go back to campus, the school will transition to blended learning (online and face to face schooling with social distancing measures observed). When the physical school operations resume, contingency fees will be added in the matriculation fees (eg. pro-rated energy fees, laboratory fees, physical devt. fees, etc.). These fees shall be imposed upon occurrence of the above-stated contingencies and with prior notice to and consultation with the parents.
  5. Books purchased are final and are non-refundable. We do not accept return or exchange unless the item you purchased has manufacturers or publishers defect. Refunds are not available for books that have been removed from their shrink wrap or written on. Books with Manufacturer or publisher defects will be replaced when returned with original receipt within 30 days of purchase.

Tuition and other fees may be paid in cash, by check or other payment platforms upon its availability. These fees can be paid in full or through the school’s prescribed installment plans. The first installment payment (upon registration) fees must be paid in full not later than two months after first day of classes to be considered officially enrolled. Unpaid registration transaction will automatically be voided.